Virtual Worlds in my opinion are beneficial in many aspects of human life. Like the article that we read about the woman who gain such a social joy in second life because she was able to do in the virtual world what she wasn't able to do in real life. It gives them a sense of hope and allows them to do what in real life they can't. Also the kid with autism used second life for social interaction, it helps them develop friendships, since its so hard for them to speak and open up to other people. This technologies can be use as therapeutic methods, it's a stress release and a get away from it all, its a different experience.
Business that advertise places or for tourist who wants to visit a city and will like to know how the city looks like before going there can use virtual worlds just like VLES that shows how Lower East Side from NYC looks like. This can help out a lof of business to advertise and sell more eventually.
Addiction is a dark side, many people can get hooked on it and not leave their homes. Kids may not even excercise or not do their homework and get in the habbit of just sit infront of the computer all day. I think virtal worlds will evolve and will be the "hot thing" in more years to come. I think video games companies will take more advantage of this techonology to make more realistic and better games.
P2P File Sharing
13 years ago
Good summary about virtual world, i completely agree with you what you said that virtual world can be great assets for companies or idviuals if we utilize it properly. However, there is always going to be someone who will be effect by virtual world due to different charatesitic in different humans being.