How do we distinguish “new media” from “old” media? List and explain several ways to do this.
We distinguish new media from old media by exploring the options, access, control, modification, and distribution of the source. For example our old media for news is the newspaper. Before new media, the consumer had little access to the information, if it wasn't read or seen on tv there were no other ways to get to the recent news. Now we have more options when the newspaper is on the web, this allows the information to be accesible in a faster way, now in days you can even read it from your cell phone.
Old media platforms such as radio, television and movies are not the consumers only options any more. The same content is now available in many different forms and formats. (e.g., blogs, wikis, YouTube). We don't need to depend in one source only, the availability that we have is so much greater with the internet that our access to it is unlimited. Also, new media gives the advantage of a mass distribution to consumer, I think is is the biggest difference between them two.
P2P File Sharing
13 years ago
But don't you think that with this access comes graeter responsability? In Old Media we could depend on an editorial staff to vet the information but with new media we depend on the end user, the reader, to do thta vetting. Then there is the problem of distribution. New Media is, for the most part, internet dependant and there are a large number of people that do not have internet access and a large number of those that do hav access that do not have the sophistication to find the information they need